CV-Library and Artfully

Trusted by tens of thousands of employers, CV-Library helps businesses find the talent they need to succeed, with a trusted and straightforward hiring platform. Whether you access the CV-Library database of 20+ million CVs, or advertise your jobs across their vast network, Artfully can help manage your contract to make sure you find the best candidates fast!

CV-Library Helps the World to Work

Find niche candidates and get a higher volume of quality candidates with Indeed
0 + million
Delivers more ‘quality’ applications than competitors (Wave report 2024)
Highest Trustpilot rating in the industry

About the CV-Library Offering

Let Artfully manage the right CV-Library product for you

Quality traffic to your jobs

Our unique strategy keeps traffic high, with 16 million job searches on CV-Library every month.

Unrivalled coverage across our network

A CV-Library job post is shared across 800+ recruitment sites, providing unmatched coverage and exposure at no extra cost.

Job advertising products

Boost applications and highlight your brand with our premium job-posting products.

Boost your brand awareness

Our online advertising products maximise traffic to your vacancies and boost brand awareness.

Search millions of fresh CVs

Take control of hiring with access to millions of CVs, enabling fast, cost-effective hires across any industry.

At Artfully, we can set up, manage and negotiate your CV-Library package, at no extra charge.

Find active and passive candidates

Find even the most niche candidates with an enhanced CV search and job posting – all managed by Artfully

Complete management

We’ll take on your CV-Library contract management and ensure your job adverts, searches and additional products are performing as they should

So how can Artfully help?

As your dedicated CV-Library partnership manager, we can offer the following benefits that are all part of the service…

  • Act as an extended team to manage your CV-Library account

  • Communicate and negotiate with your CV-Library account manager, saving you time and effort

  • Get the very best flexibility and deals possible

  • Offer advice and consultancy on CV-Library campaigns, advertising, sourcing and activity

  • Support with performance reports and look for areas of improvement

The cost? nothing

You’ll get the benefit of a dedicated partner in Artfully, without additional agency fees. If you already have a CV-Library account, then remember we can still help too!

Unlike a direct relationship with CV-Library, Artfully provides the opportunity for a more flexible service from Indeed, with reduced spend requirements and flexible contract terms and payments.

Ready to get the most out of CV-Library?

Reach out we’’ll be in touch