How to Get Your Job Advert to the Top of the Listings Without Paying a Fortune

Getting your job to sit nicely at the top of the SERP or on job board listings has become super-hard, thanks to a swamped job market and much easier entry for all types of employer and organisation. It soon becomes a race to the top powered by job board or advertising spending. This makes being seen especially difficult if you’re trying not to break the bank. However, with a few clever strategies, you can still boost the visibility of your job listings organically without spending a fortune. This guide will walk you through some of the most effective techniques.

Understanding the Basics of Job Advert Optimisation

Before diving into specific strategies, it’s important to understand the basics of job advert optimisation. This involves making your advert more attractive to both potential applicants and the algorithms that rank listings on job boards.

Utilising Keywords Effectively

Keywords are the cornerstone of any successful job advert. They are the terms and phrases that potential candidates use when searching for job opportunities.

Identifying the Right Keywords

To identify the most effective keywords:

  • Consider the job title and the skills required
  • Use industry-specific terms
  • Look at similar job adverts to see what keywords they use
  • Use tools like Ahrefs or Neil Patel’s Ubersuggest to search your job titles / industry and see what candidates are already searching for

Incorporating Keywords Strategically

Once you’ve identified your keywords, it’s crucial to incorporate them naturally into your job advert:

  • Include them in the job title and throughout the job description
  • Avoid keyword stuffing, as this can negatively impact readability

Specifying Locations

Location is a key factor in job searches. Be specific about the job location to ensure that your advert reaches candidates searching in the right area. If the role is remote, state this clearly, as remote work opportunities are highly sought after.

For example, if you need a Forklift Driver in Surrey, open you’re job advert with ‘We’re actively recruitment for a Fork Lift Driver in Surrey’ to place your keywords right at the top of your listing.

Crafting Compelling and Clear Copy

The content of your job advert is just as important as its keywords. It needs to be engaging, informative, and concise.

Writing Engaging Job Descriptions

An engaging job description:

  • Clearly outlines the role and responsibilities
  • Highlights what makes your company a great place to work
  • Uses a tone that reflects your company culture

Clarity and Conciseness

While providing comprehensive information is important, your advert should also be concise:

  • Avoid jargon and overly technical language.
  • Break up text into short paragraphs and use bullet points for easy reading

Google, and the job boards, use algorithms that ultimately favour what they think the audience wants to see. That usually includes trusted, authoritative and accurate information. If your job adverts are bland, too short, or don’t give enough detail, and are packed with spelling errors, then the algorithm won’t favour your advert over others that it deems to be better.

Optimising Word Count for Maximum Impact

The length of your job advert can impact its visibility and effectiveness. Too short, and it might not provide enough information; too long, and potential candidates might lose interest.

Finding the Sweet Spot

Aim for a word count that provides enough detail to inform applicants but is concise enough to maintain engagement. Generally, 300-700 words is a good range to target.

Balancing Detail with Brevity

Ensure that every word in your job advert serves a purpose:

  • Include essential details about the role and your company
  • Avoid unnecessary filler words or overly complex sentences

The golden nugget: Google, and everyone else, LOVES content that is shareable. If your job advert is going to be shared by social media, linked to from other websites, or everyone is going to want to tell their friends about it, then this is an easy way to ensure high traffic and more clicks. You can even ask, politely, for readers to think about someone else who may be suitable at the end of the post – don’t forget that parents, spouses and friends will often search for jobs on behalf of their loved ones, and this is a very easy share opportunity.

Leveraging Social Media and Your Network

Aside from job boards, social media platforms and your professional network can be powerful tools in promoting your job advert.

Utilising Social Media

Platforms like LinkedIn, X, and even Facebook can be used to amplify your job advert:

  • Share your job posting on your company’s social media pages
  • Encourage employees to share the advert in their networks
  • Consider buying advertising on these channels if you feel or can prove your audience is likely to engage

Networking for Increased Visibility

Leverage your professional network to spread the word about your job opening:

  • Reach out to industry groups and forums.
  • Attend networking events and mention your open roles.

Ensure your job advert is gender neutral

What do we mean by this? Well, it turns out certain words and combinations of words can make a job advert seem more appealing to certain people more than others. Use a job advert gender checker to identify words that could make people more or less likely to apply and adjust accordingly.

Monitor and Adjust Your Strategy

Finally, it’s important to monitor the performance of your job advert and be willing to adjust your strategy as needed.

Analysing Performance Metrics

Most job boards provide analytics on how your advert is performing. Pay attention to:

  • The number of views your advert receives
  • The number of applications submitted

Making Necessary Adjustments

If your job advert isn’t performing as well as expected:

  • Experiment with different keywords
  • Adjust the copy or the structure of the advert
  • Consider promoting the advert through different channels


Getting your job advert to the top of the listings doesn’t have to be expensive. By understanding and applying these strategies, you can increase the visibility of your job postings, attract the right candidates, and fill your open positions efficiently and cost-effectively. Remember, it’s not just about reaching a large audience; it’s about reaching the right audience.

If you need help with job advert writing, or aren’t getting good results from your existing budget, then speak to a job ad expert at Artfully! We can assess job ads, as well as the overall recruitment experience for your candidates, and deliver more returns from your job advertising spend.

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